Thursday, July 21, 2016

My experiences with intertubing.... and not wanting to let go.

A few weeks ago I went intertubing with a few friends. I was not particularly excited in going for one basic reason---- my experiences on the water due to working. Most people view going on a boat as a pleasurable activity but my prior job turns brings one word into my

I worked on a deck crew on the Arkansas for several years and while it was very enjoyable being in different locations daily we worked.... It wasn't a pleasure cruise. We didn't get served mixed drinks... No stereotypes of women in bikinis existed... It was hot work that would either make or break a man.

So in saying, I love the water however I am not a fan of boats. My ideal pleasure cruise would be channel surfing at the local motel and retiring to the lobby to eat dinner.

Intertubing proved to be very successful. My partner and I clumsily decided to both pair up on one tube. The way in which we grabbed handles on the raft resembled playing a game of twister. Life is much like being pulled across a lake at high speeds. We attempt to hang on and steer the tube much as we do our interactions with people, and the situations that either make or break us.

My need in life of failing to let certain things go that bring tumult seem to be reflective of the intertube I was riding. In conclusion, I ended up having sore wrists and arms as we pulled into the dock. Pain seems to be the greatest motivator for change.

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