Friday, July 15, 2016

Experiences with Toll Roads

Today, I heard a long discussion from a relatively mixed crowd about their disdain for toll roads. Being a seasoned traveler my experiences with pay per use roads is extensive. However, because it was nearing the end of the day and the majority of the conversation seemed to be going in one general direction I bit my tongue.

I remember speaking to a man several years ago in my youth and expressing my disdain for Mississippi. The man, named Frank had quickly corrected me and said that although the poverty rate was low.... the state maintained the roads very well... This comment was harsh, blunt, and to the point. After he explained to me, the ease in which people could travel I definitely understood his perspective.

Mississippi has numerous toll roads. In 2007, the Mississippi governor signed a bill which would allow for the construction of toll roads as a revenue generator for the states. In the past, the state allow didn't allow for the paid roads. Lawmakers opposing the issue view the roads as another tax.

However, let me explain my viewpoint on toll roads. In Arkansas, we have numerous roads and some of which are poorly maintained. It doesn't take a massive pothole in the road to seriously damage the suspension or the tires on a vehicle. Believe me, I have hit a pothole on a road that was rated for a speed exceeding 55 mph. My head quickly hit the ceiling of my vehicle and afterwards I was looking for air for my tires.

I have heard the argument that toll roads can be burdensome due to drivers having to stop and pay the attendant. However, in my experience I rarely come to a complete stop and in most instances through the change directly in the metal tray as I pass. Most states also have a sticker that is affixed to the window and technology driven computers read the barcode as you are passing by the kiosk.

...... You get what you pay for. An extra tax.... Perhaps... But less potholes, faster speed limits, and less police are usually what I encounter on a toll road. This is normally a win win situation for me as I don't enjoy speeding tickets, or having to patch up a car on the next exit.
Traveling isn't cheap and sometimes it is best if you don't skimp on the necessities.

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